Visibility into your brand's online traffic can be tricky. Not only should you look to know and understand as much as possible about your customers, but certain types of traffic can be incredibly telling. These details can help executives make informed decisions pertaining to the company and its offerings, helping to propel overall success. However, gleaning the right visibility into your online traffic can be easier said than done. Some companies take a spray-and-pray approach, inundating their website and social media with as much content as possible and hoping that it proves beneficial. Instead of just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks, there is a more effective way to utilize your brand's resources and marketing dollars, and it revolves around visibility into your online traffic.
"The right level of visibility means that your company is informed about the way consumers are interacting with your brand."
Visibility and oversight of important online traffic and customer activity metrics are imperative in today's retail landscape. The right level of visibility means that your company is informed about the way consumers are interacting with your brand, including the resources and content that attracts new shoppers and keeps loyal clients coming back.
Visibility into online traffic also means that your business is in the best position to utilize its marketing budget to the fullest. As noted, it's much more effective to invest in the strategies that have proven to be successful with your brand's specific customer audience. This means your business gets the most bang for its buck and isn't putting valuable resources into campaigns that don't appeal to consumers.
"Determining which approach is best suited to your marketing needs is one of the most important tasks you will handle during your career," marketing firm Ballantine pointed out. "A poorly marketed company may still succeed depending on its luck and the quality of its products, but a well marketed company will always hold an advantage. Knowledge is power, and if your prospective audience isn't aware and knowledgeable about your product, your company may suffer."
In order to support efficiency and your brand's success, there are a few strategic approaches you can use to improve your visibility over your online traffic:
Gleaning insight into these kinds of metrics is considerably difficult without the right tools in place. Manually checking into conversions, buying habits and other performance metrics can take up a lot of time, and may not always provide the most up-to-date details without the help of the right technological tools.
PriceSpider's Where To Buy and Channel Reports take the guesswork and heavy lifting out of online traffic visibility.
Where To Buy provides a range of pertinent details, including universal tracking for email campaigns and paid searches, details about customers' transaction records, top-performing products and overall conversions.
Channel Reports is another powerful service that can offer insights into your brand's direct competitors, as well as your own customers reviews. Learn about seller ratings, pricing history and changes all in one easy-to-use dashboard.
Access to these types of insights isn't just beneficial – it can help put your brand in the best position within its respective industry. To find out more, contact PriceSpider today.